Enclave at 127th Apartments Blog

Simple Winter Survival Kit

Well, we made it to February. And to no one’s surprise, it’s cold, and it makes us want to travel somewhere warm. We midwestern-ers love the four seasons, but there’s no doubt that the winter can be a struggle to get through, even if you are a winter person. Check out this winter survival kit with some of my favorite essential items to help myself feel a lot more comfortable. 

Candles and wine 

Although these seem like basic items, a good candle and a tall glass of wine can do wonders with improving your mood. My favorite way to shop is by taking a stroll through the candle isle at TJ Maxx and picking out a few from their large section. Aldi has a huge wine selection with affordable prices. Studies show that it is actually a candle's flame that helps to soothe our soul. The visually appealing aesthetic helps reduce stress and increases self-awareness. The soft illumination helps us to calm down and even achieve a meditative state. 

Space heater 

You don’t have to crank the heat to 75 degrees to heat yourself up. It’s a simple hack to add a kick of heat without an actual fire. They’re cheap, have one plug-in, and generate heat and power only when they’re in use. Space heaters are easy to use; you just plug it into a wall outlet in the room you’re staying in, turn it on, set the temperature the where you want it, and let it do its thing. It also works as convection heat, so that’s a plus, and you’ll be warm in no time. 

Weighted blanket

There’s something incredibly relaxing about getting cozy under a weighted blanket. Research shows that deep touch pressure helps stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are known to have a calming and relaxing effect. Some benefits of using a weighted blanket include alleviating anxiety induced insomnia, improving sleep quality, and reducing symptoms of restless leg syndrome. Order one on Amazon or pick one up at Walmart, you won’t regret it. 

If you have these essential items at your apartment, you’ll find yourself surviving the winter just fine. All we can do as we eagerly wait for warmer months to come is to make the most of our time spent. What are some of your favorite ways to survive the winter?

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